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Fenix G42 FWD Kit
  • Fenix G42 FWD Kit

Fenix G42 FWD Kit

G42 -Fwd

Fenix G42 FWD Kit

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Fenix G42 FWD Kit

Just in case "attachments" section does not work... :-)

Check this link for the manual: 

G42 Manual

Check this link for the setup sheet:

G42 Setup Sheet

Fenix G42 FWD Kit

Fenix G42 FWD Kit

Fenix G42 FWD Kit

Fenix G42 FWD Kit

Fenix G42 FWD Kit

Fenix G42 FWD Kit

Quick note: Motor, lipo battery, tires and servo are not included.

Fenix G42 is the very first FWD from Fenix.

But for us, G42 is way more than an Rc Car: it’s a journey into a new world, with new boundaries to explore.


About 2 years ago we started to discuss about option to step into the “big” field, aka the touring class.

FWD was the option to evaluate the field.

An interesting class with a certain freedom to think “out of the box”.

So, we start to work on the idea.

As usual, we tend to stay from the usual solutions and try to explore different options.

Some tech point were pivotal, such as reverse Ackermann steering angle or direct servo.

Having the servo in the front, we need to locate the motor as close as possible to front axle, as we don’t want to “mid”.

“Most front” was the option we choose.

And all the prototypes rely on that solutions.

At the rear end, we explore a bit more. 

Some old fashioned solutions, like the one used at the Italian Charity Race or at the Dutch IDFM, to something a bit less exotic, like inboard, pushrod actuated, axial mounted rear shocks which becomes the solution chosen.

With the 2nd position at the IDFM (March 2024) we saw some real potential in the car and we feel more confident in the project.

More drivers were involved in the development, like Jitse Miedema, Edwin Neijenhoff and John Bruins.

Some cool features were introduced such as the variable body location, front and rear: finally drivers don’t need to have the same body, pierced in different location to find the best aero solution (this one is the best stuff since the invention of the Milk shake…)


At the end of July, everything happens: driven by Fabrizio Villa, G42 won his first race  and, a week later, becomes the 2024 Italian FWD champion with Bryan Ferrara.


But let’s have a look at the tech point of the G42


·        Front steering servo, direct actuating

·        Reverse Ackermann steering

·        “Most Front” motor

·        “Variable Location Lipo” - Lipo battery can be installed “inline” or “traverse”, in the latter, the position can be moved from standard to 4mm towards the front wheels

·        Of course, LCG or standard shorty lipo.

·        Rear shocks are axially inboard mounted and pushrod actuated

·        Internal ratio: 2.0

·        Variable front and rear body location


We’d like to thanks all the drivers that were involved in the exciting development process of the G42.

Those guys, really share the high and low of the process.

Fabrizio Villa

Bryan Ferrara

Jitse Miedema

Edwin Neijenhoff

John Bruins


Matteo Berlincioni

Marco Favaretto

Giacomo Moretti

Product Details
G42 -Fwd
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